Data Files
Main Data Sources and Updates
USPS Database
Monthly update
Database 2010-2021
Please contact us for your specific needs.

Precise . Complete . Up-to-date . Affordable

USgeocoder is a customizable Geographic information system (GIS) web application. It uses proprietary algorithms to integrate multiple data sources and produce the most precise and recent district, mailing and census information you can find.

The most accurate data nation-wide

USgeocoder combines address data from multiple sources including US Census Bureau Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system (TIGER) and US Postal Service address delivery system. By cross-walking multiple address databases, USgeocoder is able to offer 100% accuracy for congressional district and county assignments, and over 99% accurancy for state legislature and all other state and local jurisdictions.

USgeocoder is able to geocode addresses as they are delivered to us from USPS. Our proprietary algorithms allow us to achieve our greater than 99% accuracy for district assignments even if no publically available map exists for the road.

In addition, we consistantly look for new data sources and new methods to perfect our accuracy.

New Zip-To-District
Data Files are

States are redistricting jurisdiction boundaries based on the new 2021 census data. Congressional and state legislative districts are changing! As states are releasing new boundary files, USgeocoder takes the new boundary data and runs it through its database to produce the new Zip-To-District congressional and state district data files.

If the accuracy of address to district matching is mission critical, you must have our new district data files!

The most frequently updated data

The USgeocoder engine is updated with the most recent 2021 US Census files within a few days of release. Our U.S. Postal records are updated monthly. We also update our elected officials database once every month. Our sales and use tax rate data is updated as the taxing authority publishes new rates.

What do we offer?

Following are our most requested data files offered by USgeocoder. We can customize data output to your specifications.


You can purchase files by district, state, region, or the whole country. You can also subscribe to our data files for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual updates.

Run a live demo to see a sample output of our data files. If you have your own addresses, we can provide data processing, mapping and demographic services to fit your own needs. If you have a custom project, we would love to hear about it! Please contact us to see how we can help!